You must shift your mentality from one that’s expecting instant gratification, to one that’s patiently awaiting deferred gratification. Eventually it will come.
When you look at a person who chain smokes cigarettes, overspends, overeats, or indulges in drugs or alcohol, you may ask yourself why they do it. You may ask yourself why they make those decisions when clearly they are going to lead to more pain than pleasure. Since we do more to avoid pain than we do to gain pleasure, the decision-making process can seem skewed. An alcoholic may not understand why they overdrink, or why the person in financial ruins continues to overspend. It’s because their decision-making processes are only limited to short-term causes and effects. They are doing more to avoid pain than gain pleasure in the short term, not in the long term. If they were doing more to avoid pain in the long term, then they wouldn’t engage in excessive behavior. In order to master your financial life and start on the road to wealth building, you must first master your psychic apparatus. The difficulty is however, that most of this self-talk which occurs in your mind, is purely subconscious. The id is a purely subconscious construct, and both the ego and superego live in both the conscious and subconscious realms of your mind. So in order to be able to recognize the self-talk that’s going on, and to take control of it, you must learn to build awareness. You build awareness by paying attention to your emotions, because your emotions are the gateway to your thoughts. Learning to recognize and understand those emotions is the key. Even if you’re facing a scary situation, you must realize that many people in the past have faced the same or similar situation, and have overcome it. Many people in the future will also face that same or similar situation. Fear-based thoughts won’t serve you, and in fact, it will just foster more physiological problems. The stress, fear, and anxiety wreak havoc on your body. Try to look at your situation from a bird’s-eye view. Think back to other times in your life when you were in a bad situation, but you were able to pull yourself out of it. The strong emotions that take hold of your body are only the result of the ego blinding you to the truth. When you can look at the truth, and see it for what it is, then take steps towards fixing it, you’ll feel remarkably better. However, if you continue to feel the emotions, yet don’t do anything about it, then it will only get worse. The Millionaire Method: How to get out of Debt and Earn Financial Freedom by Understanding the Psychology of the Millionaire Mind by R.L. Adams Comments are closed.
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