Our approach at Unbeatable Mind is to test a theory on ourselves, implement what works, and then discard what doesn’t.
Here are some universal laws to reflect upon. You will recognize many of these from your Sunday school class, and you may be able to add others to the list: The law of cause and effect: this law states that for every cause there is an effect. It is also known in the East as karma. Your resource is to study Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. The law of abundance: this law states that the world has enough for everyone who abides by this law. Your primary resource for this law is the Bible. The law of winning in your mind first, before acting: this law says that you will achieve victory every time if you first see it, say it, and believe it in your mind. Your primary resources for this law are Unbeatable Mind and Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. The law of attraction: that what you fix your mind on you will attract in life. Your primary resource for this law is The Secret by Rhonda Byrne . The law of receiving: that you receive in proportion to the value you deliver in life. Your primary resources are to study Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. The Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Your primary resource is the New Testaments of Jesus. The law of surrender: this law states that instead of pushing against the tide, surrender to it, and you will find enlightenment and peace. Your primary resources for this law are to study Buddha and the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu. The law of forgiveness: this law says that if you forgive yourself and others, you will release negativity and find happiness. Your resource is to study the life of Nelson Mandela. The law of nonattachment: this law says to let go of attachment to material things, your ideas, and ultimately to life itself for lasting contentment. The resource is to study the writings of the Dalai Lama. The law of nonresistance: this law is similar to nonattachment, but it specifically applies to nonviolence. Fighting violence with violence should be a last resort and only done in self-defense. Your resources are to study the lives of Gandhi and Martin Luther King. The law of focus: this law says that what you focus on with intensity and duration will come to pass. Your resources for this law are Unbeatable Mind and Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich Now let’s turn our attention to the practical matter of how one goes about examining beliefs to clear them up to align with universal laws. Unbeatable Mind: Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness to Succeed at an Elite Level Comments are closed.
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