Sometimes you need to take something apart to make it better, either literally of figureitively. Writing notes over and over, taking my ideas and new concepts and breaking them down, I realize I am like Philip Glass, in his music, in that reptition there is power. Taking pieces of thought, taking your thought patterns, taking how you see the world, and then writing pieces down and repeating, and changing elements only slighty, pushing all the possibilities, until you discover the power of the idea, and you learn how slight changes of thought can bring large changes to your life and your concepts. Writing can methodically change how you think, so that you can change how you think. When you understand the concepts of neural plasticity, you know that your brain is not fixed in time, that it can change and will change, and you can control that change. Write down all the possible variants of an idea. Do no editing. Truly explore ideas and concepts, slightly change it each time, and bring the power of repitition to the process, so that you csn start picking what ideas you like, and then reinforce those ideas that you want to internalize. You write about what you want to be, how you want to live, write about what about what you want to become and then explore what it would be like, how it would be to live that way, what you would see, what you would do, how you would be, write until reality starts to match the idea. Writing activates your mind. It is a visualiztion technique that also uses the physical. I like literature because it shows all the possiblities of what a person can be, all the ways to be human, and writing lets you do the same thing. It allows you to see all the possible variations of you, and to see all the possiblity in you. It lets you think and feel and act your way to what you can be. See what you truly think, because most of us do not know ourselves, and we have over time built layer upon layer of persona, which we need to strip away until pure and then rebuild those aspects of persona we choose to be. We build our future selves. Comments are closed.
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